You are studying at the Leibniz Universität Hannover and are interested in Robotics & Teamwork?
Combining newly learned things in your studies with practical experience is what makes a great robotics engineer. We have various Projects in software, hardware and electronics. Additionally we are always searching for support in PR & organization. Besides gaining practical experience with robots you can learn softskills like presenting, networking and organizing at luhbots.
Things you can do and learn at luhbots!
We are using CAD-Programs such as Fusion 360 and SolidWorks to design our Robots. With our 5-Axis CNC-Machine we can manufacture our own metal parts and learn more about topics like process engineering.
You can learn how to design printed circuit boards and design complex circuits, for example to control BLDC-Motors or operate a solenoid kicker. With our diagnose equipment we can repair, modify and inspect existing electronic. Of course you can learn how to solder as well.
Gaining practice with ROS (Robot Operating System) is always good for a robotics developer. So besides in robotics widespread programming language C++, you can learn how to use and program in ROS as well and find out about the general structures of modern robotics.
The RoboCup takes place in different countries every year. At the luhbots, you get the chance to travel to different places and participate in international competitions. For example, in 2022 RoboCup was held in Bangkok (Thailand) and in 2023 in Bordeaux (France).
PR & Organization
Since we are a self-organized student robotics team, a large part of our work has to do with organizing the team. We also maintain contact with our partners and present ourselves in social media and on the internet. If you are interested in these topics, this is the right place for you.
Practical experience
A course of study is often very theoretical and can sometimes be boring. This often happens at the beginning of your studies. At luhbots, you gain practical experience with robots and in the areas of hardware, electronics and software right at the beginning of your studies.
Teamwork is our top priority. Without good teamwork, participation in the RoboCup competitions would not be possible. For many members, the luhbots are like a second family and close friendships develop.
What is often missing in technical courses are soft skills like giving presentations, communicating and discussing with or in front of other team members or partners. These things are not neglected in the luhbots.
Since we develop and manufacture our own robots, we have to work with many companies. Therefore, you get a good insight into the professional industry and manufacturing with us.
Studium Generale
With the work at the luhbots you can acquire up to 8 credit points in the Studium Generale. To do so, you must study at one of the faculties of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ET-INF) or Mechanical Engineering.
Robotics can be fun! Sometimes it's hard to imagine in the face of all the tough challenges, but programming and building robots is fun. At least that's the opinion of all our members.
Master and Bachelor thesis
In cooperation with various institutes of Leibniz University, you can also write your bachelor's or master's thesis on one of our projects at the luhbots.