Soccer Links
Kommunikation is Key!
Here you can find all the important Links for your work at luhbots Soccer!
We use nextcloud to organize all of our files, including all pictures and Documents. You recived your username and password from your teamleader!
Gitlab manages our software packages . You can login into gitlab with your "Projektablage" login.
For the management of tasks we use Trello. You can login in to Trello with your own Account.
Official league website
Here you can find the officialleague website including the rules and some other informations.
Our meetings are Organized in Spielerplus. Here you can accept or decline meetings. You can login into Spielerplus with your own account.
Game Logs
Here you can find the Game Logs of all past games since 2016. You need the SSL Logplayer to view the logs.